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Barbell Curl Form

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How to do barbell curls

This is the classic biceps exercise.  If you have back problems, you should do this while standing against a wall.  Even if you have a sound back, pay special attention to keeping your back straight and elbows close to your sides.

Here is how you would perform this exercise.

1.  Grip the barbell with palms facing outward, shoulder width apart.

2.  Stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart.

3.  Begin with the bar resting on the front of your thighs.

4.  Slowly raise the bar by bending your elbows toward your shoulders; slowly lower the bar to the front of your thighs.

5.  Control the downward motion during this negative phase. 


-Rock back and forth or bend backward in an effort to get the weight up.  If you must do this you've used too much weight and should lighten the load.

-Let your elbows wander up as you lift.

-Curl the weight all the way up to your shoulders.


-Keep your knees slightly bent and your abdomen held tight; this will protect your back.

-Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body.

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