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Barbell Row Form

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How to do barbell rows

Barbell rows works the lats, middle traps, and rhomboids.  The key in performing this exercise correctly is choosing a weight that allows you to squeeze the shoulder blade back on the positive phase of the movement, with control.  If you jerk the Barbell with your body, your not performing an effective set, meaning your muscles are not getting any stronger no matter how much weight you're hoisting.

Here is how you would perform this exercise.

1.  Place your feet about shoulder width apart and bend over and grab the bar over-handed a little wider than shoulder width.

2.  Staying in the bent over position, bring the bar to your upper abdomen (not to your chest) and hold for a second.

3.  Keep your back straight and flexed and your head up looking straight ahead.  These are also very good when done with dumbbells.  Use a flat bench to support both your left knee and hand while you lift the dumbbell from the floor with your right hand.


-Arch your back

-Move the shoulder excessively

-Swing your body in an effort to hoist the weight.


-Keep your abdominals tight and your back erect.

-Keep your shoulder and torso down and parallel to the floor.

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