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Ab Crunch Form

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How to do crunches

If you're stuck on a dessert island with just one ab exercise, crunches are the one.  Done properly, you're bound to feel a nice burn in no time flat.

Here is how you would perform this exercise.

1. Lie on a mat with your knees bent and feet on the floor.  Depending on your level of fitness, you can place your arms in any of the following three positions:

Beginner: With your arms straight at your sides and your fingers pointing toward your knees.

Intermediate: With your arms crossed over your chest. 

Advanced: With your elbows bent and your fingers overlapping behind your neck.

2.  Tighten your stomach muscles and slowly curl your torso up until your shoulder blades are off the floor.

3.  Slowly return to your starting position without completely relaxing on the floor.

Initially the exercise may feel rather easy; however, after several reps you should begin to feel a burn in the upper third of your abs.


-Bend your neck as you curl into the crunch position.  This is the biggest reason that people who do a lot of ab work complain.  Imagine having a softball between your chin and your chest.

-Draw your elbows in.  You're trying to lift your torso, not flap your elbows.

-Bring your torso up past 30 degrees.


-Keep your head and neck in a neutral position; the less stress on your neck, the better.

-Make sure that you curl as you lift.

-Focus your attention on the top section of your abdominals.  Let them do the work and not any other part of your upper body.  

-Keep your lower back pressed against the floor at all times.

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