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Seated Calf Raise Form

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How to do seated calf raises

Much of your ability to continue to do the most basic activities is due to muscular endurance.  Muscular endurance is related to muscular strength.  So if you want to continue to walk up stairs with a spring in your step, begin to strengthen those gastroc muscles.

Here is how you would perform this exercise.

1.  Stand on the bottom step so that the balls of your feet are on the edge of the step and the heels extend over the edge.

2.  Position your shoulders beneath the pads, and place your hands on either side of the pads.

3.  Keeping your legs straight, rise up onto the toes as high as possible.

4.  Return slowly to the position where your heels are hanging down as far as possible.  This will ensure a good stretch.


-Arch your back.

-Rock back and forth.

-Perform the exercise rapidly.


-Keep your abdominals tight and back erect.

-Keep your legs straight.

-If it burns, you're doing it right.

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