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Upright Row Form

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How to do upright rows

Many people think of the upright row as a shoulder exercise.  In fact, it is a good way to work your deltoids and biceps, but it's a great way to hit the top section of your trapezius, which is why we've included this exercise in the back section.

Here is how you would perform this exercise.

1.  Stand with feet shoulder width apart.

2.  Hold the dumbbell slightly less than shoulder width apart with your palms facing your thighs.

3.  Pull the bar up until the hands are about level with the shoulders.  The elbows should be slightly higher than the hands.

4.  Pause briefly and slowly return to the starting initial position.


-Swing your upper body back and forth in an effort to lift the weight.

-Allow the weight stack that is being lifted to slam or bounce against the remainder of the weight stack between repetitions.

-Perform the exercise rapidly.

-Arch your back.


-Keep your abs tight and your back erect.

-Keep your knees slightly bent.

-Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the finish position.

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